
Tired of characters dying and having to sit next to the table for hours? Why not try this revival mode, where you can rescue survivors if one of your characters dies? The basic mechanic is inspired by Left 4 Dead, where you can also rescue survivors if one of you died.


The rules are in the attached pdf, but you can also just read through them here:
– You need the spawn cards from lost zombivors. Don’t include
them to the spawn deck (yet)!
– Place aside 6 survivors and enumerate them. These are your
trapped survivors. As soon as you take one of them, fill the
place with another unused survivor. When determining a
random trapped survivor, throw a die and select the
corresponding survivor.
– If a player dies, place the dead survivor in your zombivor pile
and add one lost zombivor spawn card to the remaining spawn
pile (shuffle!). Play according to the normal lost zombivor rules
(5 hit points, select an equipment card if the zombivor is
killed). If there are still some unopened buildings, nothing else
– If a player dies, there are no unopened buildings and there
are no trapped survivors on the map, choose the room furthest
from any survivor and place a random trapped survivor in that
room. Close this room with doors.
– When opening a building for the first time, there are players
without survivors / less survivors than at the start of the game,
and there are no trapped survivors on the map, place a
random trapped survivor in the room the furthest away from
the opened door. Close this room with doors.
– If a player opens the door to the room of a trapped survivor,
the player that has been the longest time without a survivor /
immediately gets this new survivor. The new one starts at the
blue danger level without any equipment.

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