
Ultron joins the Invasion ! He brings a new Enemy type, the Drones. As fast as Runners, as many as Walkers and immune to Devour Attacks, they will swarm and focus the Heroes.

Just put Ultron Spawn card in the Hero Spawn deck, the Drones in the corresponding Spawn deck and keep Ultron’s Action deck nearby. Same rules as Red Skull : when Ultron is in play, draw an Action card at the start of each Enemy phase and resolve it.

Ultron’s Drones are considered Enemies, they don’t attack other Enemies (living or dead). Drones have the following caracteristics :

  • Actions : 1
  • Toughness : 1
  • XP : 1
  • Move 2 Zones per Move Action
  • First in Target Priority

Hero mode : Drones ignore Bystanders if a Super Hero is within Range 1.

Zombie mode : Drones can’t be devoured.


A small rule point from Hydra Resurrection (replace Red Skull by Ultron) :

Whenever Ultron is in play, shuffle his Action deck and keep it facedown next to the board. At the start of the Enemy Phase, draw the top card from his Action deck and resolve it. If the Action deck ever runs out, reshuffle all the discarded cards to make a new deck.


V2 is up, added PDFs for an easy print

Link to Ultron’s Spawn and Action cards -> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14D1lIuOjF5sW-pS455n5isGkt3biRoCo?usp=sharing

Need a proxy ? -> there is some from Trident Studios, they are available on several Etsy stores

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Heya ! I'm doing custom cards for Zombicide and there is big plans on the way.

If you want to support me : https://ko-fi.com/alzuran
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Articles: 69


    • Hey ! Apocalypse is planned, Hela too but furthest in the list, wasn’t planning a Galactus but why not ! But I think the next one will be Doom, it’s a shame he didn’t get an Action deck despite being a 5-Toughness Super Villain like Red Skull and Thanos, I think it would spice things a little and permit some Doom-focused missions

  1. Hello, thank you very much for the contribution, it is incredible.
    Just one thing, an ultron drone spawn card lowers the power of the heroes, the u08, in the zombie version also lowers power but the zombie heroes have no power, and lowering the hunger I do not see that it makes sense or would be just that?

    • Oh, good catch ! It should be “Any Zombie Heroes in a Zone they enter become Ravenous”, as a matter of fact I’ve just uploaded the fixed version 🙂 thanks a lot !
      But I’m not completely satisfied with the spawns, so you can expect a little visual rework in the near future

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