Surtur (boss)


Advent Calendar – Day 15

We had a few Asgardians Heroes and no Boss to go against them ? Not anymore !

Here comes Surtur, the Fire Giant of Muspelheim ! And he’s decided to bring Ragnarök and slay his opponents by his sword or his flames – what happens to those who stay in his way is of no concern to him.

He uses the Fire Zone mechanics from Hydra’s Resurrection : 

  • Place a Fire Token in a Zone (a Canister Token on its Fire side)
  • Enemy Heroes suffer no effects from Fire
  • Player Heroes suffer 1 Wound whenever they end an Action in a Fire Zone
  • Other Enemies (Zombie hordes, SHIELD Agents…) and Bystanders are eliminated if they enter a Fire Zone (this triggers Bystander Devoured in Hero Mode)
  • During each End Phase, roll a die for each Fire token. On a 5+, remove that token


Don’t forget to support me on Ko-fi if you appreciate my work ! It will motivate me to continue doing it 🙂 ->

Link to Surtur (Action and Spawn cards) ->

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