Spread of the Dead 7: Zombie Hordes



“There are too many of them, we’re done for!”

Rules for sudden zombie horde invasion for Zombicide modern classic.

SPREAD OF THE DEAD PART VII. This is a fan expansion, please direct all feedback to zombicidediscord@gmail.com, subject “Zombie Hordes” <<<
LIVE UPDATES (https://bit.ly/35vbZP1)
VERSION 2.0 (23 Apr 2022)
• Major improvement to spawn matrix
• Renumbered cards
VERSION 1.0 (28 Feb 2021)
• Initial Release
• 2 page Zombie Hordes Rulesheet
• 12 Horde Spawn Cards (T85-T96)
• Printable PDF sheets for at-home printing
• Spawn Cards sheet
• Card Backs sheet
• Printable 15x15cm Horde Tile
• No-bleed Version
• 3mm Bleed Version
The 12 cards increase in difficulty with higher card #s.
This expansion comes with options for printing at home or sending to a print shop.
The print-at-home versions are PDF sheets of multiple cards.  Both US letter and A4 sizes are provided.  A PDF sheet of card backs is also provided. All card sheets have crop (cutting) marks.  Official Zombicide cards have 3mm radius corners; difficult to cut by hand. If you have access to a corner-cutter tool it will make your job easier.
If you can find a printshop that offers Zombicide-sized cards, you can use the printshop versions of the cards, which are saved as JPGs. Most print shops in the US seem to only provide “US mini” sized cards, which are extremely close to the official Zombicide cards; so the cards provided in this set are prepared for that format.  However they will also work fine printed in the official format. The printer will typically request cards in JPG or PNG format, asking you to submit both card front and card back images. Cost depends on the printer/region of course.  Typical costs are around $10 US for a 54 card deck.
OFFICIAL CARDS (for reference)
• Size: 41.2 x 64mm (1.62 x 2.51 in)
• Corner Radius: 3mm
• Cardstock: 250-300gsm
• Finish: MPC (matt)
• SLEEVE your printed cards! If not you will probably be able to distinguish the slight differences in a mixed deck.
• Mayday Games Mini USA Card Sleeves (41x63mm): https://www.maydaygames.com/products/mini-usa-card-sleeves
NOTE: If you want to get custom material professionally printed but live in circumstances or regions that make that difficult, you can sometimes find fan communities offering group orders that you can take part in.
The following is ONE way to print out map tiles at home. There are other ways and some may be better.
1) The Horde Tile in this expansion can fit completely on a US Letter or A4 sheet of paper. Print it on 80gsm paper if you have it.
2) Use framing matboard, a linoleum tile or whatever you prefer for a base (should be about 3mm thick).
3) Stick the printed Horde Tile it to the base with adhesive (a roller may come in handy).
4) After it dries, trim the map to 15x15cm following the edge of the art or the crop marks.
5) Spray both sides with clear acrylic matte spray.
It is possible to have custom map tiles printed if you can find the right print shop.
Zombie Hordes is a Zombicide Discord Server release, part 7 of the Spread of the Dead Expansion series.
Rules, layout, tile design: Tyfighter77
Rulesheet cover art: Unknown
Rulesheet assets and Zombicide art assets: CMON
Templates used to create this expansion are available for free download on the Zombicide Discord Server.  Invite link: https://discord.gg/RPQRB4ZaFP
Guillotine Games, CMON, and the Zombicide team for the great game and customization support. Thanks to Andy Hickin and the Zombicide Discord #play-testing team for editing help. Thanks to Thels for help with the spawn matrix.
People trying to make a profit off of other peoples’ work smothers the custom content community and causes creators to remove their creations and stop making more, not to mention forces game companies to crack down on fan made creations like this one.
Otherwise redistribution is fine, but please try to ensure all the material in this expansion is included. Modification for personal use is also fine.  Please don’t re-release modified versions of this material without including a list of changes as well as credit to everyone whose work you used, and include a readme like this one.
If you want to support custom content creators, the best way is to just be part of the community.  Multiple forums and platforms for sharing Zombicide content exist, such as Discord, Board Game Geek, Eren Histarion forums (French), Facebook groups, and others.

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  1. Great idea
    I tried it today it was fun and challenging i’m wondering if we can have something for the second edition of the game. Unfortunately, the spawn cards from the second edition have bigger spawning numbers and I’m wondering if it’s better to reduce the exceeded number of Horde from 20 to 15….

  2. some clarifications if you can tell me:
    -What do you mean by”when the horde tile is full”? Do you mean the 20 miniatures?
    – “Run out of miniatures” mean for each type? For example, if you have to add 7 runners but you have only 5 then this will be releasing the HORDE+ EXTRA ACTIVATION for this type of zombie.

  3. Great questions.
    • “The horde tile is full” is different than the 20 limit – it refers to the physical space on the tile, if you’re using it. If not using the tile, the 20 miniatures rule will suffice.
    • “You run out of miniatures” just means miniatures in general for the purposes of releasing the horde. You would not, for example, release the horde if Runners are spawned and you’ve run out of Runner minis but you have plenty of other zombie types. In that case I would probably give Runners already on the board the extra activation and add Walkers to the horde tile instead, but feel free to experiment with different ways to handle it.

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