
Advent Calendar – Day 15

I must admit, I liked the Noise mechanic in Black Plague. It was not perfect, a little gameplay-heavy, but I liked the fact that you could attract Zombies with sound if they didn’t have line of sight. So I wanted to bring back this mechanic in MZ to some extent, to add a little additional layer of strategy and possibilities. And what better use of it than one of the loudest Marvel character, paired with a powerful mutant who can turn sound into light ?

Make some noise !

  • Each character counts as 1 Noise token.
  • Enemies favor visible Heroes. If there are none within Line of Sight, they go towards the Zone with the most noise.
  • You can spend 1 Action to place 2 Noise tokens in your Zone.
  • Remove all the Noise tokens at the end of the Enemy Phase.

Spider-Punk likes to make an entrance. And attacking with a guitar… well, Zombies will want to come and see what’s happening in the (not so friendly anymore) neighbourhood.

Then comes Dazzler, who turns sound into light to land devastating attacks, the more noise she have at her disposal, the more brutal she is (do you know that at some point she even was a Herald of Galactus ?). So pair the two of them for a deadly show !


Link to Spider-Punk (ID, back and Spawn cards) -> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CaN4nrTOAaUlJBmy-JpowMsC6EsPac3F?usp=sharing

Link to Dazzler (ID, back and Spawn cards) -> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11MlYb7j1pd1O93DUVb2WL9TeNFH_8BWy?usp=sharing

Need a proxy ? 

Spider-Punk -> the Legion Miniatures’ Spider-Punk looks pretty cool !
Dazzler -> https://c27-studios.com/product/sonic-disco/


Spider-Punk art by Reneallan

Dazzler art by Artgerm

Tomorrow, a very charming lady !

On a side note, I’ve created a Ko-fi link in you want to support me in any way -> https://ko-fi.com/alzuran

There is so much more custom content to come, stay tuned !

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Heya ! I'm doing custom cards for Zombicide and there is big plans on the way.

If you want to support me : https://ko-fi.com/alzuran
This seems like nothing but it's actually very important, I don't want to lock any content behind a Patreon, so consider supporting your favorite content creators who are doing a lot of work and spend countless hours so you can enjoy the game even more :)

For the full folder with my customs, check here :) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OzV77svttfeV5AHRCw01r4_rw5BCnH2R?usp=sharing

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