
Advent Calendar – Day 11

“I am Odin Borson, who built the world from corpse-meat. I am Odin One-Eye, and sometimes my one eye is open. But above all, I am Odin All-Father. I am the one who speaks for the tree. I am the king of all stories…and you are my child.”

After the God Butcher, let’s conclude our little Asgardian streak with the King of Asgard, the All-Father himself, Odin !

He’s pretty strong (well, he is the King of the Norse Gods after all), so keep that in mind when you include him in your team. Owner of Gungnir, a spear enchanted to return in his hand when thrown, he also has the Odinforce and powers that defies life itself. In the battle against the undead, every bit of help is good to have ! And if you ever choose the wrong side… good luck.


Don’t forget to support me on Ko-fi if you appreciate my work ! It will motivate me to continue doing it 🙂 -> https://ko-fi.com/alzuran

Link to Odin (ID, back and Spawn cards) -> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1t6197yHd2gxJ0-_oANXe7GoLocSHrD9y?usp=sharing

Proxy -> https://c27-studios.com/product/all-daddy/

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Heya ! I'm doing custom cards for Zombicide and there is big plans on the way.

If you want to support me : https://ko-fi.com/alzuran
This seems like nothing but it's actually very important, I don't want to lock any content behind a Patreon, so consider supporting your favorite content creators who are doing a lot of work and spend countless hours so you can enjoy the game even more :)

For the full folder with my customs, check here :) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OzV77svttfeV5AHRCw01r4_rw5BCnH2R?usp=sharing

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