Ninja Turtle Villains (1E)



The Zombicide Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle packs include the heroes Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael, and the villains Bebop, Krang, Rocksteady and Shredder. All of them are Survivors, fighting side by side. Apparently, the Zombie Apocalypse has caused them to set aside their differences and work together for mutual survival.

But what if that wasn’t the case? What if the villains were the ones that caused the Zombie Apocalypse, and now move among the Zombie horde as special agents of doom? Having injected themselves with an engineered mutation of the Zombie virus, these villains are able to resurrect and come back time after time, without any of the nasty downsides of being a Zombie, and without any regular Zombie wanting to eat them.

This module allows you to include Bebop, Krang, Rocksteady and Shredder to your game as special Zombies. It includes a Rules flyer and 16 Spawn cards (#263-#278). While the module is designed for both Ninja Turtles packs combined, owners of a single pack can still use the matching half of this module.

The Spawn cards come in two versions. The first version shows spawn values on the right side of the card (x1 for all cards in this module), similar to the Abomination cards from the Ghostbusters packs. These spawn cards do not include any rules, and do allow you to use them for other implementations to include the Ninja Turtle Villains into your game, such as including them as Abominations.

The second version instead shows a textbox at the bottom of the card, providing a quick reminder of the rules for that particular Ninja Turtle Villain.

As an extra bonus, this module also includes Ghostbuster Abomination spawn cards with a quick reminder textbox (#247-#262). If you prefer the textbox over spawn values, you can use these to replace the official Ghostbuster Abomination spawn cards. You need one or more Ghostbusters packs to make use of these bonus cards.


The files to print the Spawn cards are included in the Printing A4 and Printing Letter folders. Use the folder depending on your printer type.

Inside each folder, choose the version with spawn values or the version with textboxes, whichever you prefer. If you choose the version with textboxes, you can choose to only print the Ninja Turtle Villains Spawn cards, or to print both the Ninja Turtle Villains Spawn cards and the Ghostbuster Abomination Spawn cards.

The backs of the Spawn cards are included in separate files. Be sure to choose the file that matches the cards that you chose to print.


Ninja Turtle Villains extension module by Thels.

Ninja Turtles artwork cleaned by SubBlast.

Ghostbusters artwork cleaned by Tyfighter77.

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