Marvel Zombies and DCeased Dashboard Template


I’m happy to announce that version 3 of the dashboard template is now ready for release. See the list of changes below. I’m also going to once again copy the foreword from my instructions document for good measure.


  • All colors corrected to match the official cards
  • All halftones updated to match the official cards
  • Font changed for Health, Power, and Hunger tracks
  • Font changed for Skill Names
  • Font changed for Attack Stats
  • Font changed for Attack Name
  • Added support for DCeased ID cards (including a palette swap of the logo for Zombie Mode)

This template is intended to be a community tool for personal use only. Any commercial use of this template or products created using it is strictly prohibited. Any and all trademarks for Marvel, Marvel Zombies, DC, DCeased, and Zombicide belong solely to their rightsholders and I have no direct affiliation with them.

You are welcome to share any creations you make freely (not behind a paywall), all I ask is that you credit BGG User: LukeS7 for creating the template.

Please note that any and all templates or projects released by me will always be free. If you see anybody selling copies of the templates or content that I created with them, it is not authorized. Payment will never be a requirement to access any of my content.

If you would like to support me and the hours of time that I’ve put into these templates, as well as future projects, feel free to buy me a coffee or donate here: Again, please note this is completely voluntary and not a requirement to access these templates.

With all that being said, enjoy!

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  1. Both Hero and Zombie Hero dashboards are in the template file. There’s an instructions PDF that explains how best to utilize the file. If you go the manual route, the folders are named and color-coded according to if they’re used for Heroes or Zombie Heroes

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