
An Omega level Mutant joins the fight !

I’ve used her special amplification and synergy abilities to make her an unique, and hope(hehe)fully fun support, with some synergy (I swear I’m not doing this on purpose) between her skills. She can either unlock an ally’s skill to copy and use it, or unleash the whole might of her team, or maybe a little bit of both ?


Link to Hope (ID, back and Spawn cards) -> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xziE774rMgig_XE2JvJdcVEEV5ok3pR8?usp=sharing

Proxy -> https://c27-studios.com/product/the-messiah/

On a side note, I’ve created a Ko-fi link in you want to support me in any way -> https://ko-fi.com/alzuran

Maybe Cable next ?

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Heya ! I'm doing custom cards for Zombicide and there is big plans on the way.

If you want to support me : https://ko-fi.com/alzuran
This seems like nothing but it's actually very important, I don't want to lock any content behind a Patreon, so consider supporting your favorite content creators who are doing a lot of work and spend countless hours so you can enjoy the game even more :)

For the full folder with my customs, check here :) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OzV77svttfeV5AHRCw01r4_rw5BCnH2R?usp=sharing

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