Dork Tower Zombivors (1E)



The Special Guest Box by John Kovalic contains four Survivors that are based on characters from webcomic called Dork Tower ( Carson, Gilly, Igor and Matt. John Kovalic is the artist for the Munchkin card game, which is why these Survivors are often but incorrectly referred to as the Munchkin Survivors.

For a long time, these Survivors have been the only four Survivors without a Zombivor version. This fan addon rectifies this by providing a Zombivor ID sheet for each of these four Survivors. The Zombivors silhouettes are very similar to the Survivor silhouettes, allowing you to use the Survivor miniatures for their Zombivor versions.

This fan addon includes sheets in English and in French, for both A4 and Letter printers. Survivor ID sheets are included to allow the creation of dual sided ID sheets, without having to tamper with the original ID sheets.


Zombivor artwork by OrionoirO.

Zombivor skills and ID sheets by Thels.

ID sheet template by Tyfighter77.

French skill translation by ZerahLightbringer.


The files to print the ID sheets are included in the Printing folder. Use the A4 or Letter files depending on your printer type. Use the English or French files depending on your own preference. You can choose to print only the Zombivors or both the Survivors and the Zombivors.


The artwork for the four Zombivors is included in the Artwork folder. Please provide proper credit when including this artwork in your projects.


There are no sets of official skills for these Zombivors, so they had to be decided upon. Great care was taken to make sure these Zombivor skills fall in line with other Zombivors.

Each Zombivor starts with the same skills as their Survivor, and then has one yellow, one orange and one red skill replaced by Zombivor skills.


  • Yellow: +1 Action -> +1 free Ranged Action
  • Orange: +1 free Ranged Action -> Point-blank
  • Red: +1 free Combat Action -> Low profile


  • Yellow: +1 Action -> +1 free Ranged Action
  • Orange: +1 free Ranged Action -> Frenzy: Ranged
  • Red: +1 free Move Action -> Regeneration


  • Yellow: +1 Action -> +1 free Melee Action
  • Orange: +1 to dice roll: Melee -> Reaper: Melee
  • Red: Roll 6: +1 die Combat -> Super Strength


  • Yellow: +1 Action -> +1 free Ranged Action
  • Orange: +1 free Ranged Action -> Zombie link
  • Red: +1 free Combat Action -> Full auto

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