

Recreated and/or Revised Versions of Every Official Zombicide Classic Equipment Card

VERSION 0.4 (24 Jan 2024) – Initial release

Because professional print shops are no longer willing to print custom Zombicide cards due to copyright concerns, a new solution was needed. It was suggested that using a non-trademarked card back on the cards would allow printers to print custom Zombicide cards again.

The problem is, the new cards would have different backs then all your existing official cards. Some people solve this with opaque-backed card sleeves, but for others that is not preferred. A possible solution (for those willing) is to reprint ALL the official cards with the new backs as well, so everything would match. That meant a HUGE task needed to be undertaken – someone had to remake all the official cards digitally so they could be printed. That job fell to me. It took a couple hundred hours, but while I was at it, I also made alternate modified versions, with changes the community had often wished for, such as recolored starter weapons like other editions.

Here is part 1 of 4 of this project: Equipment Deck.
The other 3 parts will follow (Spawn Deck, Survivor “Team Building Deck”, and Custom Cards).

• Four different sets of every official card (hundreds of card images in many variations)
• Alternate card back options
• Printable PDFs
• Keywords rule sheet for use with the Enhanced set

There are 4 downloadable set options:

1) ORIGINAL SET: Choose this if you just want to reprint the official cards as they are. This is an exact recreation of *every* official Zombicide Classic equipment card practically down to the pixel (including all cards from special boxes and other exclusives). The only edits are to correct some errors and inconsistencies.
Printable PDF with the appropriate card frequencies included.

2) BASIC UPGRADE: Choose this if you want the original cards, but with updated background colors, such as gray for starter weapons and purple for pimp cards. Some art has also been updated, like better class bottles, missing shadows added, and shadows removed from flames and laser beams.
Printable PDF with the appropriate card frequencies included.

3) ENHANCED SET: Choose this if you want a massively improved Zombicide classic deck. Changes include:
• KEYWORDS and rephrased card descriptions, extending keyword usage of the original cards for a much more consistent streamlined experience (see included “Zombicide Keywords” rule sheet).
• new background colors (forward compatible with upcoming custom themed card decks)
• corrected errors and inconsistencies
• updated/improved art on many of the cards
• improved names/titles for many of the cards
• craftable recipes on combo-item cards
• removal of ultrared cards (nerfed and converted to pimp cards)
• forward compatible with all my future releases, including more Spread of the Dead modules, custom equipment decks, and Trail of Fears campaign system
Printable PDF with the appropriate card frequencies included.

4) ALL OPTIONS: Choose this if you want to customize your own deck. This has all the above card options plus LOADS more not included in any of the above sets. But fair warning there are a LOT of options, so it will take some time and effort to select your deck.
You’ll have to decide your own card numbers (frequency) and create your own printable sheets.

Since the original point of this project was making it possible for people to pro-print custom Zombicide cards again, non-copyrighted card backs was an essential step. A few options for alternate Search Deck card backs have been included, just choose the one you like best. Similar options will be available for the revised Spawn Deck when that is released. The official card backs have been included here too, just because.

The following is not even close to a comprehensive list of all changes and options, but gives a general idea of the highlights.

• Keywords (see included “Zombicide Keywords” rule sheet)
• Rephrased (simplified text, relies on common sense)
• Stat Text (reformatted text for Special stat blocks, such as molotov)
• Improved names: example Glass Bottles renamed to singular Glass Bottle (because there’s only one).
• Updated art for several items, such as a new version of Bulletproof vest using FULL art, and added transparency to the Glass Bottle to better match new molotov.

• Tan Background Color (“NPC Tan” for companions and dogs)
• Blue Background Color for Police Deck (black available in “All Options” set)
• Companions with their character names from the box and 2nd Ed
• Mirrored and recolored Companions (recolors done by Baguettator)
• Dogs with English names instead of European names (except Cherry)
• Dogs named by breed instead of individual name (two art versions each)

• Green Color (“Craftable Green”)
• Recipes (ingredients listed on card)
• The old outdated molotov art was not used in this deck redo in favor of the newer art >>>• Pimp color versions of the Nailbat

• Yellow Color (“Spawn Yellow”)
• Bright Yellow Color (“Skinner Yellow”)
• Updated art – using full walker instead of zombie hand

• Gray Color (“Starter Gray”) for all official and option starting weapons
• New starter weapon options such as Baseball Bat, Hatchet, Knife, Meat Cleaver, and Rifle

• Background Purple Color (or VIP Blue Color available in “All Options” set)
• Name options: English version of La Guillotine and Tommy Gun instead of Thompson
• Pimp color versions of some name-weapon cards such as Handcannon and Ross’ Bowling Ball

• Blue background version of Nightstick, SPAS 12, Riot Shield and other items that make sense for the Police Deck (research has been done to make this accurate)
• K9 version of Martens the German Shepherd

• Pale green background version for items that make sense for Military gear you wouldn’t necessarily find laying around in an apartment. Again, research has been done to make this accurate.

• Blank (no ingredient art) versions of Gasoline, Glass Bottle, and Nails to match other basic items such as Canned Foot (craftable recipes moved to result combo-item instead of the ingredient item).

• Pimp color versions of every Ultrared item with nerfed stats for if you don’t like Ultrared cards.
• Military color versions of M134 Gatling.
• Versions with Blood pattern removed.
• Name options: 911 Special actual to gun name “P90”, M134 Gatling to “Gatling Gun”, and Ned’s Atomic Flashlight to “Lightsaber”.
• Alternate art: Ned’s Atomic Flashlight with Lightsaber turned on, Flaming Nailbat without shadows on the flames (made this default)
• Ultrared Versions of overpowered weapons such as Concrete Saw, Ross’ Bowling Ball, and Will’s Comet Launcher (slightly buffed stats for consistency with other Ultrared items).

…and much more.

Obviously, some cards will be rarer than others, you can’t just print one of each and have a balanced game. Some sets have included printable PDFs with balanced card frequencies, but if you choose to customize your own deck or have them pro printed you’ll have to decide on your own.

There shouldn’t be any major updates to the official cards in this release. I’ll make any minor corrections/adjustments as they come up. The upcoming content in this section refers to additional

CRAFTABLE: Some craftable weapons (such as the sniper rifle) never had official cards. I’m considering making craftable items as separate cards (instead of just putting one card behind the other), as the art has already been done by Thels and myself. The problem with that is, there could end up being a LOT of permutations. So I’m thinking there are two kinds of craftables – items that are nothing on their own (such as Gasoline and Glass Bottle), and items that upgrade another item that is already usable (such as Scope and Laser Pointer upgrading guns). Maybe I won’t make separate cards for upgraded items, only new items.

MY OWN STUFF: In addition to more cards planned for the decks already included in this release (standard, pimp, police etc), the following custom thematic decks are planned (dozens of new cards each):

• NPC Deck – this will have the tan background like the dogs and companions released here
• Medical Deck – this will have a white background
• Convention Deck – inspired by Neil Rumary’s Zombie Con deck, will have a pink background (the All Options set here includes a single official card set aside for this set – the Time Machine)
• Rural Deck – this will have a forest green background and include cards you’d find in the wilderness or a farm for example
• Event Deck – this will have a blue background, and contain cards that trigger game play effects that effect the mission

These decks are not meant to be mixed with the standard Search Deck. Instead each deck will come with “Unlock” cards that can be shuffled into the main deck (when appropriate for the mission). When one of these Unlock Cards is drawn from the main deck, the player will draw from the indicated deck instead. For example if the Pimp Stash card is drawn, the player draws from the Pimp Deck.

I have a lot of planned content for Zombicide that might not be wanted for general use, such as rules pertaining to my custom campaign mode “Trail of Fears”. So consider carefully if you’re interested in having keywords on your cards (such as “Tool”) that don’t mean anything yet. If that bothers you, you should use the “Basic Upgrade” set or choose your own combination from the “All Options” set. But if you want all the other features of the Enhanced deck, you can easily ignore unused keywords or make up your own rules for them.

This expansion comes with options for printing at home or sending to a print shop.

The print-at-home versions are PDF sheets of multiple cards. Both US letter and A4 sizes are provided. A PDF sheet of card backs is also provided. All card sheets have crop (cutting) marks. Official Zombicide cards have 3mm radius corners; difficult to cut by hand. If you have access to a corner-cutter tool it will make your job easier.

If you can find a printshop that offers Zombicide-sized cards, you can use the printshop versions of the cards, which are saved as JPGs. Most print shops in the US seem to only provide “US mini” sized cards, which are extremely close to the official Zombicide cards; so the cards provided in this set are prepared for that format. However they will also work fine printed in the official format. The printer will typically request cards in JPG or PNG format, asking you to submit both card front and card back images. Cost depends on the printer/region of course. Typical costs are around $10 US for a 54 card deck.

OFFICIAL CARDS (for reference)
• Size: 41.2 x 64mm (1.62 x 2.51 in)
• Corner Radius: 3mm
• Cardstock: 250-300gsm
• Finish: MPC (matt)

• SLEEVE your printed cards! If not you will probably be able to distinguish the slight differences in a mixed deck.

• Mayday Games Mini USA Card Sleeves (41x63mm): https://www.maydaygames.com/products/mini-usa-card-sleeves

NOTE: If you want to get custom material professionally printed but live in circumstances or regions that make that difficult, you can sometimes find fan communities offering group orders that you can take part in.

Zombicide Cards Redone is a Zombicide Discord Server release.

Card enhancements and recreations by Tyfighter77
Rule sheet assets and Zombicide art assets: CMON

Templates used to create these cards are available for free download on the Zombicide Discord Server. Invite link: https://discord.gg/RPQRB4ZaFP

Massive thank you to Thels and Andy Hickin for their invaluable help on this project.
Thanks to Baguettator for some of the companion recolors.
Guillotine Games, CMON, and the Zombicide team for the great game and customization support. 

People trying to make a profit off of other peoples’ work smothers the custom content community and causes creators to remove their creations and stop making more, not to mention forces game companies to crack down on fan made creations like this one.

Otherwise redistribution is fine, but please try to ensure all the material in this expansion is included. Modification for personal use is also fine. Please don’t re-release modified versions of this material without including a list of changes as well as credit to everyone whose work you used, and include a readme like this one.

If you want to support custom content creators, the best way is to just be part of the community. Multiple forums and platforms for sharing Zombicide content exist, such as Discord, Board Game Geek, Eren Histarion forums (French), Facebook groups, and others.

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