Dinner Date – Zombie Mode Mission

We may be zombies but that doesn’t mean we don’t have feelings. It just seems wrong to let some other walking corpse eat your girlfriend. We have to act fast and eat them first! In typical super hero fashion, we…
We may be zombies but that doesn’t mean we don’t have feelings. It just seems wrong to let some other walking corpse eat your girlfriend. We have to act fast and eat them first! In typical super hero fashion, we…
A 4-part campaign following the events of each Avengers movie but with a Zombicide twist. Requires Marvel Zombies MZ X-Men Resistance or MZ Heroes Resistance MZ Hydra Resurrection MZ Clash of the Sinister Six MZ Guardians of the Galaxy MZ…
In an attempt to win the love of Death herself, Thanos has been spreading a zombie plague throughout the cosmos. Nova barely made it from a zombified Xandar to warn the heroes of Earth. Thanos knows Earth will be a…
Normally, the collision of two parallel Earths is a bad thing. Since we have almost picked this planet clean, this incursion couldn’t have come at a better time! Word on the street is that they’ve built a planet-ending bomb to…
We are so tired of this universe treating us like irresponsible kids. Well that, and flesh-eating monsters. Luckily, we happen to be very familiar with a certain Young Avenger who has the ability to open multiversal portals. Our living teammates…
A war has broken out between land and sea dwellers! Namor has brought his troops to our shores and with them, a weaponized virus that turns the living into his watery and undead soldiers. Our intel says the Namor sent…
If we are to save this world from the undead hordes, we are going to need a lot of magic. Wanda has a solution: The Witches’ Road. All she has to do is round up a coven of (still living)…
Captain America is Hydra?! Using fascism and the zombie virus to subjugate and control people, Hydra has managed to take over the United States under the command of Cap! Is he the real deal, or is he a reality-warped perfect…
Ayy I’m killin’ zombies here! With the bridges and tunnels out, the island of Manhattan now has a limited supply of zombies. If we native New Yorkers use our knowledge of the city, we could track down where both the…
Happy Mutant Pride! The parade is in full swing and, just like any other joyous mutant event, something horrible has happened. Ironically, Iceman has crashed Pride! Not only is it much harder to stop a zombie that lacks flesh and…