Alternate Characters for Marvel Zombies: Heroes Resistance


These are 3 characters to use in place to the extra characters mins from Marvel Zombies: Heroes Resistance.

Wasp –> Red Queen
Vision –> White Vision (Art by Alzuran)
Zombie Captain America –> Zombie U.S. Agent

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One comment

  1. Hi,
    I love the idea of thos alternate caracters!

    However, I read all of your cards and white vision’s red ability seems very weak
    3* for +2 actions, but you need 1 action to get 2*. The 3rd * could come from the +1* you get every turn. This means his red ability is more or less like he has +1 action every turn but he doesn’t get his +1* at the begining of each turn.
    To me, it would be more powerful to modify it to 2* for 2 actions

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