Altar Quest/Fantasy Zombicide Crossover Survivors 1


This printable PDF contains a set of survivors based on minis from the Altar Quest board stretch, specifically the stretch goals box.


Animal Connection Survivor has a +1 free action per turn and +1 die with an animal companion (yours or one that belongs to another Survivor). NOTE – This skill originally appears in the Zombicide Field Guide, created by Patrulheiro do Beco.

Chameleon – If the Survivor has not taken any Combat Actions  or produced a Noise Token in Line of Sight of any Zombies by the end of their Turn, place a Rotten token next to their base. As long as they have this token, they are totally ignored by all Zombies and are not considered a Noise token. Zombies don’t attack them and will even walk past them.

Change Form As a free action once per turn, the Survivor may switch to another form, switching out their Survivor ID card to another.

Healer – Once per turn, the Survivor can use this skill for free to either heal themselves from 1 wound, or another Survivor in their Zone.

Hoarder – The Survivor can carry two extra Equipment cards in reserve.

Quick Hands All Equipment in the Survivor’s inventory is considered equipped in Hand.

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